安切洛蒂:牺牲自我助球队保持平衡 控制力较去年更强
关于本场比赛以及赢得更多"我不认为这一局就是决定性的,我们还需再进行一场较量,目前只占微弱优势。这是一場精彩绝伦的比賽,我为此感到高兴,因为球队有很多机会,而曼城也在进攻中发挥出色。为了准备好下一轮,我们需要更加专注,以便提升信心。" 安切洛ti说道。 本赛季欧冠最佳赛事? strong >
“对此,我并不这么看。我预料到这是一次精彩纷呈之旅。在全面角度来看,这是一次均衡良好的交锋。如果能够作出足够牺牲,就能实现这样的平衡。而今天,每位球员都有所付出,他们能力毋庸置疑。”   ; 球队应该这样打吗? strong >
“是的,这不仅适用于此次赛事。本赛季真正开始以来,虽面临诸多挑战,却依旧取得佳绩。 我们应强调所有方面的重要性。目前为止,还未见过完整阵容下投入实战,更何况他们尚未一起训练。但今天团队展示了一流水平,例如巴尔韦德、中卫、门迪及劳尔·阿森西奥等人屡创惊喜,即使遇险境,也收获颇丰。” 关于维尼修斯横幅的问题: < /强 > “I don’t know if he saw it. From what I observed during the match, it served as motivation for him. The four players in front always posed a threat.” < 强 >有关防御: “从防守层面来说,在这里踢球你必须全力以赴,否则容易被对方轻易破门。这与去年不同,今年我们的控制力增强不少。” < 强 > 对第二轮信心: "We need to be prepared and bring the same intensity and sacrifice into the next game." < 强 > 中间休息时间讲话: "We've resolved two issues where we struggled under pressure, leading to their goal. Other than that, no changes were made. Vinicius and Rodrygo constantly threatened on the flanks so I told them to stay calm since this is just leg one." < 强 >< 皇妈信念 : “Defense isn’t an individual issue but rather collective effort. As a team, we've defended remarkably well.” < Strong > 比划计划 : “Our strategy was to press right from kick-off when Ederson had possession then maintain compactness while blocking central areas without overcommitting forward—allowing forwards some defensive duties enabling midfielders sit deeper.” < Strong > 卡马文加 : “This was his debut there which went really well! When we're in control of ball play he needs advance positioning wisely - truly impressive performance alongside Ceballos." 对于即将来临二番: "It’s clear we’ll need Alaba & Rudiger back for second leg—I’m hopeful they will return soon enough—but whenever urgency arises teams show remarkable spirit through sacrifices demonstrated last year too—it surprises me how much commitment shown at such times!"