12月27日讯 山东泰山队的后卫岳瑞杰,最近在海口参加了由足协组织的2007年龄段精英球员训练营。在接受《体坛周报》记者马德兴专访时,他表示,只有“后浪推前浪”,中国足球才能取得进步。
岳瑞杰:This is my first time with a national team.
岳瑞杰: strong > 教练之间没有太大差别。这次跟黄导、刘导相处时间不长,但要求都是强调脚下技术,与足协提出“技术为王”的理念一致。我认为这是正确的发展方向。不过,这次训练中定位球设计得很好。 p >
< p >< strong > 体坛: strong > 定位球近期成为热门话题,是因为观看阿森纳比赛视频所致吗?< / p >
< p >< strong > 岳瑞杰: strong > 对,很可能如此。我觉得这种学习和借鉴对未来无论是在国青还是回到俱乐部都将会有巨大帮助。< / p >
< p ><强>强 > 强 >> 你是不是觉得这次集训还不过瘾?< br />
<強>> 岳 瑞 杰: 集訓 時間 有點短, 如果再長一些效果會更好, 學習也可以更多.
강조 >>>今年,你作为主力参与了三大球运动会,并且全程首发。而泰山U19联赛冠军也是你的成就之一。对于这两个荣誉,你比较看重哪个? 강요 >>
: 是啊,在全国锦标赛期间搭档齐千程一起打中后卫,非常开心赢得全国冠军。然而,由于当时正在进行三大赛事备战,所以未能现场观赏U19联赛夺冠,只能说一年两项冠军总是值得庆祝。
【体育】: 山东球队去年夏天去韩国参赛表现一般。对此国际比赛经验有什么收获?
: 我们确实去了趟韩国,对手不仅限于本土球队,还有日本及欧洲各个级别的俱乐部。从这些国际赛事获得启示,每支球队都有独特特点,比如欧洲团队往往依赖明星效应,而日韩则注重节奏与传控。因此,通过这样的锻炼,我们意识到了自己需要提升哪些方面。
【 体育 】 : 截至目前,你已参与多少场国际比赛?
【Victory】: 大约25-30场吧,大多数来自针对韩日等地球队友谊赛以及出行拉练等活动。
【 体育 】 : 在国字号通用培训期间,还尚未正式亮相任何一场竞逐?
【胜利者】 : 确认,一直没机会登场。
【 体育 】 : 国际赛事之后,再面对国内竞争感觉最大的区别是什么,以及其对职业生涯成长又有哪些助益?
【胜利者】 : 非常显著!通过走出去让我们更加清晰自我不足,从而追赶超越他人!
[Sports]: If in future this age group’s youth national football team forms up what do you hope for?
(Winning): I wish to play more matches especially at international level and wear our nation’s jersey as many times possible while contributing to its glory!
The players here are arguably among the best within your cohort; it seems that there exists consensus around younger generation being better than their predecessors from '05 class. What's your take on that given you're competing against older peers in U19 league?
Your insight resonates well - only when each successive wave surpasses its predecessor can Chinese football progress further! Through recent training sessions it's evident we possess great potential—here's hoping our future steps lead us onward & upward together towards greater glories ahead!
<<[ Sports ]>> The upcoming assembly plans include preparations geared toward next February's U20 Asian Cup tournament featuring those born during ’05 cycle, leading directly into opportunities potentially coming forth for yourself considering you're one year younger.
**(Winner)**: Yes indeed heard about such prospects upon arriving camp where Coach Fu (傅博) mentioned alongside Teacher Chen!
***(Sporting Event)***: Your playing style bears resemblance akin 彭啸 who successfully leapfrogged earlier cohorts joining Antonio's ‘03 squad previously achieving similar heights — perhaps now it could be yours too?
****(Victor)**:** Haha true enough! We share striking likeness!
***(Event)*:* Do you often interact or train alongside seniors like 彭啸 ,史松宸 etc?
***{Victor}*: Unfortunately no longer able since they moved onto clubs whilst we're still affiliated through academy programs – usually practice solely occurs onsite unless competition arises thus limiting chances encountering them outside structured events.
*However should opportunity arise representing '05 National Youth Team may allow interaction down road but presently focused entirely preparing diligently readying myself thoroughly awaiting subsequent notifications regarding forthcoming challenges!*