Knee tendonitis (膝关节肌腱炎)
在随后的2018-19赛季 playoffs 中,由于受到膝关节肌腱炎困扰,他错过了与篮网交锋中的G3比赛。
< p > 在2020-21常规賽中,当76人与雷霆交锋时,在第一节的一次碰撞中他的无名指受到了影响。他虽然经过首次治疗返回场上,但随后再度受伤,不得不面对脱臼的问题。然而,即便如此,他仍坚持打完全场比赛。 p > < p >< strong > 右膝半月板部分撕裂 strong > p > < p > 在2021 年 - 22 季后賽首輪對奇才隊進行 G4 時, 恩比德傷退並被診斷為右 膝 半 月 板 部 分 撕 裂 , 雖然 他 缺陣 隨後 的 G5 比賽, 卻於 次 回合 對 老 鳥 的 第一場成功復出 . P >< Strong > Right Eye Socket Fracture + Minor Concussion(右眼眶 骨 折+轻微脑震荡) Strong > P >
在2022–23 賽 季 常規 賽 中 , 恩 比 德 被 猛龍 球員 肘 擊 面部 ,隨 後 疏 整 診 為 頭 顱 碰 撞和輔助治療.
Zai KNEE LATERAL COLLATERAL INJURY(外侧副韧带扭伤) (Right Knee Injury)< / P > < P >(Rumble of the Nets in play-off round four), he landed awkwardly after a block and was diagnosed with an injury to his right knee lateral collateral ligament which caused him to miss game five as well as being sidelined for the first game against Boston.
< Strong>Lateral Meniscus Displacement + Bell's palsy ( 左 膝 半 月 板瓣 移 位 + 贝尔氏麻痹 症 ) /b>P
In normal season matches held by Warriors in October this year during rescue ball scenarios suffered from pressure on knees leading to surgery that resulted in missing two months. During playoff games it had been found out that there were difficulties blinking eyes or facial expressions twisting signifying treatment for mild bell’s palsy conditions post operation.
[P] 鼻窦 Bone fracture: At present match between Pacers & Sixers where Joel received hit while rebounding resulting into diagnosis confirming sinus bone fractures making urgent evaluations necessary.[/pp]>