
足球 2024/12/10 seoxx 14 0

12月10日讯 在接受《北京青年报》专访时,胡荷韬表示自己本赛季的表现仅能打及格分,并认为未来还有许多需要学习和改进的地方。



胡荷韬: U21联赛中的参赛者都是年轻球员,每个人都希望在比赛中展现自己的能力。赛事对抗相对激烈,攻防节奏较快。虽然有些球员在控球方面稍显不足,但频繁跑动使得比赛更加紧张刺激。这项赛事对于适龄球队和球员来说质量不俗,是他们向更高竞技平台跨越的重要机会。





北青体育: 作为一名年轻球员,今年内完成了从U21国足、国奥再到国家主力的位置升级,有人觉得这是成功的一年,你对此怎么评价? < p >< strong > 胡荷韬: 本賽季只能給自己打個及格分。今年整体情况还算不错,但仍然存在不少不足之处。尽管我被选入国家队并参与世预赛,但是我清楚地知道自身还需提升。因此,我必须认真总结经验教训,不断努力改善自己,让水平有所提高。此外,在接下来的训练与挑战中,也要继续发掘潜力,为团队做出贡献。

< p >< strong > 北青体 育 :您第一次收到征召进入国家足球代表 队 的消息是什么时候 ,当 时 有 怎样 的 感受 ?< / s trong > < p >< str ong > 胡 荷 韬 : 我 对于具体日期记忆模糊。但那天正好前往 U2 1 国 足 集训途中 接 到 电话 ( 国家 足球补 招 通知 ) 。 当 时 我 刚 从 北京 搭车 前 往 香 河 基 地 ( U2 1 国 足集训地点)。 突 然 收 到 消息后,我立刻停下来等待进一步通知。当时心情既兴奋又忐忑,同时充满期待,希望这次机会可以成真,而最终结果如大家所见,非常开心且感到无比骄傲!

Northern Sports:You remember that your foul in the first half of the away game against Australia indirectly led to their equalizer. Did this leave a deep impression on you? However, coach Ivan firmly supported you after the game; how did this experience impact your psychology during your debut with the national team?

The Hu Hexun: It really had a big effect on me.This mistake occurred just before halftime when we conceded an important goal due to my fault. I was feeling quite conflicted inside after conceding, but once we got back into our locker room at halftime, everyone came over to comfort and encourage me. So for the second half, I focused more on playing well as a team rather than dwelling too much on it. What touched me most is that all my teammates reassured me by saying “it’s okay” whenever they saw me including Coach Ivan himself along with Zheng Zhi and Wang Dalei who are both very supportive figures within our squad. They made sure no one blamed or pointed fingers towards anyone else which created an atmosphere where unity prevailed instead of division post-error making us ready mentally heading forward together!

